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Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited
A collaborative research project by HGK Basel,
HKB Bern, Universität Bern, HEAD Genève,
ECAL Lausanne, SUPSI and ZHdK Zürich.

Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited


Launch of “Swiss Graphic Design Histories”

Almost five years after the kick-off day of “Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited”, the launch, presentation and celebration of the final publication “Swiss Graphic Design Histories” (Scheidegger & Spiess) was held on 1 July 2021 again in the Grossen Aula of the Bern University of the Arts HKB.

It was a beautiful conclusion with about 40 participants on-site and a bit more following the event online under the moderation of Robert Lzicar (project co-coordinator). After the greetings and words of thanks by Arne Scheuermann (main applicant and HKB Institute of Design Research) and Thomas Kramer (Managing Director of Scheidegger & Spiess), Davide Fornari and Robert Lzicar as editorial coordinators introduced this extensive publication project revealed the roots of the project and the publication and gave insight into the production process. Afterwards, all three volumes were presented by representatives of the respective editorial teams: “Visual Arguments” by Michael Renner and Sandra Bischler, “Multiple Voices” by Sarah Owens and Davide Fornari and “Tempting Terms” by Sara Zeller and Ueli Kaufmann. They explained the concept of the volumes by using examples from each volume. In the spirit of the project’s subject, the publication’s design plays a central role in communicating the research results. Accordingly, in conversation with the publisher, one of the publication’s two designers, Naima Schalcher, explained key decisions for the design concept and about the process and challenges of graphic design as content. The event was rounded off by closing words from Robert M. Stutz, the President of the Berner Design Stiftung, which supported the event in the form of an aperitif and thus contributed to the great atmosphere of the evening.

Photos © Fine Bieler, HKB Medialab.

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