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Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited
A collaborative research project by HGK Basel,
HKB Bern, Universität Bern, HEAD Genève,
ECAL Lausanne, SUPSI and ZHdK Zürich.

Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited


Experts’ Panel Meeting 2019

The third SGDTR Experts’ Panel Meeting took place on 5 July 2019 at HEAD Genève. It was planned as a work-in-progress workshop dedicated to refining the project’s publication strategy and supporting the writing process.

Main applicant and project coordinator Prof. Dr. Arne Scheuermann opened the day with a warm welcome to the whole team of SGDTR doctoral students, researchers, coordinators and applicants. He provided a status quo of the overall project and the publication strategy. Thus, the results of “Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited” will be disseminated in a comprehensive publication with contributions from all three sub-projects and nine case studies in three volumes. All volumes are connected and indexed according to several keywords in order to allow cross-references and navigation among sources.

The introduction was followed by a short presentation by every sub-project on the progress of their contribution to the final publication. Afterwards, the experts were welcomed to this year’s meeting: Prof. Dr. Jeremy Aynsley (Brighton University), Prof. Dr. Barbara Bader (Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart), Prof. Dr. Catherine de Smet (Université Paris-VIII) and Prof. Dr. Teal Triggs (Royal College of Art, London). Before the meeting, the experts had received drafts of scientific papers, written by the SGDTR researchers, and were asked to prepare a review for the meeting. In their general feedback, the experts emphasized the wide variety of texts, to be written for a range of audiences, and the challenges arising from this. The following one-on-one meetings between experts and researchers gave an opportunity to discuss the drafts in-depth by focussing on writing technique, theoretical foundation, argumentative structure and contextualization.

Parallel to the one-on-one meetings, the sub-projects prepared workshops addressing problems in the conception and editing of each volume. The discussions were joined by Naima Schalcher, who together with Simone Farner was commissioned to design the publication. Furthermore, synergies across sub-projects’ borders were established and feedback on previous text contributions by other researchers was given.

The extensive one-day program concluded with a short panel discussion with the entire research group. The experts emphasized the need to frame texts with a focus on the overall project’s objectives and highlighted the importance of mentoring during the writing process for the following months.

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